Monday, June 29, 2015

Croatia // Day 3

The morning started out around 8:30 AM, and I awoke not long before sitting down to breakfast with my family. We had some fruit, yogurt, and rolls. When we had finished, I settled down with my computer, and tried (and became more and more frustrated) with trying to upload photos for the prior day's blog post!

Quite a bit later, a little after 10 AM, we were finally all ready, and headed into town. My brother, Colin, had found a website proclaiming the best coffee in town was at a cafe right at the edge of downtown, so we decided to go check it out.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Croatia // Day 2

    Day two in Croatia began at 8 AM: a relaxing start compared to the day before. We had gotten some breakfast essentials at a little market the previous night, and my brother had gone into town earlier that morning to pick up some rolls, so around 8:30 AM we sat down to a breakfast fit for kings: eggs, rolls, and a nice cheese board. After a leisurely morning of editing my previous day’s blog post and checking up on my Instagram, we headed out the door for a morning expedition.

    Our first destination was a quaint town roughly an hours drive away, called Motovun. The drive there was relaxing, as we passed through canopies of green trees, which cast dramatic shadows onto the small country roads. Cyclists were scattered along the road, and I must admit that riding through the country in the bright morning light looked appealing.

    Perched at the top of a hill, Motovun is located in Istria, and known as the center of ‘truffle country’: a type of mushroom which is a delicacy around the world, and a specialty in Croatia. At the highest point of the town stands the church, surrounded by old buildings with the typical Croatian rusty-colored tiled roofs and crumbling plastered walls. We meandered through the streets, soaking in the sun, and looking out at the seemingly endless scape of forest which is visible from the high focal point.

Croatia // Day 1

The day started off quite early; we rose at 5 AM and after some last minute packing and breakfast, loaded up the car. Four hours later, after driving through foggy mountains and tunnel after tunnel, we approached Ljubljana: the capital of Slovenia. The city is an absolute European jewel. The Ljubljanica River runs directly through the city center, and the streets are littered with brightly painted buildings, cafes, and groups of young Slovenian students and awe-struck tourists.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

An Early Summer Weekend in Philly

This past weekend, my family and I set off early Saturday morning for a weekend in Philadelphia. The drive there from my hometown is only a couple hours so we planned to get there for a late breakfast, spend the day wandering around the city, and then checking out the Philadelphia Museum of Art the next morning before heading home. Although I have been to Philly before, this was the first trip for a number of years, and I was in charge of planning where we would go. All in all, the trip was relaxing and I certainly have some gems to recommend, however, I will say that there were a number of things I would do differently, as well as a couple destination which are on the list for next time.
(**Links for all places I mention will be at the bottom!)