Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Break 2015 // Day 3

Today I got up and went for a run; wow, that sounds kinda weird to say! To give you guys a little bit of background, I am a pretty athletic person in general, but during the winter I always fall into a slump. It's not good, and I should really try to stay more motivated, but in Pennsylvania during the winters when it's negative temperatures outside, I want to be cuddled next to the fire with tea and Netflix, not freezing my ass off trying to go for a run! Anyway, the run was rough, to say the least. Regardless, I did it, so I'm happy to say that I'm one step closer to getting back into a good fitness routine for Spring.

When I got back from the run, I cooled down with a nice green smoothies, and sat in the sun. A while later, after showering, I moved on to breakfast with some maple oatmeal and tried to finish a little bit of homework. The rest of the morning I have to be honest with you guys, I did not do that much of anything :( However, come lunchtime we all made a trip out to Chipotle, where I got a chicken burrito. It was delicious, and I felt like I was going to explode by the end (I guess that's what 1,000 calories does to you, eh ;) ).

We then drove on from chipotle to San Jose, where we checked out some sights. First we explored the Basilica (a beautiful church), and then headed to the Japanese Friendship Gardens. The gardens were kept immaculate, with perfectly manicured lawns, and a quiet, zen-like atmosphere. I would have gladly settled in on the green grass and spent the afternoon reading, but the signs all around the garden say "stay off the grass" put a damper on that plan.

After struggling a bit with the directions to get onto the freeway, we finally made it to a shopping center where I checked out Forever 21, H&M, and Abercrombie. It wasn't a super successful trip (as I try to maximize shopping when I'm at a Forever 21 or H&M, since I don't have one in my hometown), but I did pick up a couple things. Soon enough we headed back home, and I relaxed into the evening with some family time, dinner, a movie, and some tea and cookies.

It was a pretty low key day (and I apologize for the terrible lack of photos :/ ), but tomorrow should be more exciting!


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