Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Break 2015 // Day 6

It was the last day of being in California. I got up somewhat early, and relaxed for a bit, working on my previous day's blog with a cup of tea. My mom began making blueberry pancakes; let me just tell you guys: I love pancakes. Maybe it's because I used to help my Dad make them over the weekend for breakfast when I was little (I always got to whisk the ingredients together, and put on chocolate chips), but they will always be one of my favorite breakfasts. Meanwhile, I decided to make some fresh squeezed orange juice with a basket of oranges that were from the garden (something I definitely won't be able to do once I'm back in PA :( ). Once all the pancakes were done, we sat down to a nice breakfast together.

You gotta have these beauts to go with your pancakes!

Soon after we had all had our fill of pancakes and maple syrup, we headed out to Costco for what ended up being a marathon shopping trip. After getting one of everything in the store (or so it seemed), we finally headed back to the house. I took a little bit of time to lie in the sun, and close my eyes, taking in my last chance to soak up to warm rays.

By the time lunch rolled around, my mom, brother, and I headed back to the car and drove to In'n'Out Burger!! I had never been before, but have seen pictures on Instagram and tumblr, so I was pumped. I got a cheese burger and fries, and although it didn't initially seem like a ton of food, by the time I finished, I was stuffed. I had decided to get the true experience and get lettuce, tomato, and sauce on the burger, but although it was good, but I gotta say I like to stick to my classic burger: bun, meat, and cheese (it may sound boring, but I know what I like).
Seriously guys, no words. Just wow.

Coming home, I worked on some math homework until everyone was ready to head out for a hike we had planned for the afternoon. The drive up to the mountain was somewhere between a nightmare and a roller coaster, as the two way road was only one car width, it was a super windy drive, and because of the elevation we were at, the drop off the side of the road was quite steep. Regardless, we eventually set off for a nice hike in the afternoon sun.

Getting back to the car, we decided to try an alternative road back, which was absolutely gorgeous. Imagine a country road going in and out of treed areas and farm land; the sun cast shadows through the trees, and it was the end to a relaxing day. Everything felt calm.

After stopping at a coffee shop my brother had wanted to try, we arrived back at my grandparents. I took a shower, and did a bit of packing, so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. Some English homework and YouTube videos later, dinner was ready, and we sat down to a fantastic Greek meal my parents had made.

I ended out the night with some Netflix, tea, cookies, and good company. The next morning, I would be sad to go, but at 7:30AM, we would be heading back to San Fransisco airport, where we'd been exactly a week ago.

Hope everyone has had, or will have, a great spring break this year; I know I did!

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