Sunday, September 27, 2015

Piercings: Tips, My Experience, and Care

I have always loved piercings. I like the way they look. I like how they are so small, but can change someone's profile. I like that they make you a little bit different.

With that said, I know that not everyone feels the same. I remember a day last year when a young women (early twenties, I would guess) came into the cafe where I worked, who had her septum pierced (the 'bull' piercing for those of you who may be unfamiliar). When I saw her, I immediately thought 'wow, she really pulls it off!' because it fit her look: fair skin, high top-knot, floral dress, and the septum... boho with a bit of bad ass let's call it. As soon as she had left, my co-worker (a really lovely women) said to me 'I don't understand why girls do stuff like that'. I just sort of laughed at the time, but later marveled at how differently people perceive the same thing.

To me piercings are no different than clothing style, in the sense that they are just part of how you choose to present yourself. I think that if you like the way something looks, go for it! Although piercings aren't dangerous or risky, I do think it is good to know how to care for them, where to go, and so forth. I'm certainly no expert on piercings (and truthfully don't have that many), but I do have some experience (good and bad) that I figured I would share.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

27 Facts About Me!

I figured that it was about time that I wrote a post that's a little more personal... Something to give you the chance to learn a little more about me. I've watched a number of videos on youtube, which are '50 Facts About Me', and have always found it quite interesting what people choose to share about themselves, so I though why not?! With that said, 50 seemed like an awful lot of facts (I don't want to overwhelm you) so I just started coming up with little things about myself, and here they are!
  1. I am proud to be an east-coast girl
  2. I eat ice cream almost everyday (and can eat it like a champ)
  3. I can be a very nostalgic/meloncholy person
  4. I love quotes, and aspire to be able to recite great quotes for whatever situation I'm in and know who said them
  5. I am an introvert so I love being on my own, but it can also get pretty lonely sometimes