Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Natural Skincare Routine

If you have read my 'simple ways to look put together' post, you would know I recently have had some trouble with my skin. I have always had relatively normal skin: it's not overly oily or dry, and throughout my 'teen' years I have pretty regularly had spots on my face, but it was never bad acne or that troublesome (just enough for me to become self-conscious about my skin). Then earlier this month I started feeling like my skin was getting worse, until it seemed like it was at an all-time low. My chin was the worst area of my face, but I also had some spots on my forehead; additionally, what made it seem worse was that I was pale from it being winter, and this seemed to emphasize the blotchy redness around the breakouts. I was aggravated by how much I was breaking out, and started feeling like I never wanted anyone to look at me, because I had it in my head that they were staring at my bad skin!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Simple Ways to Look Put Together

Before I get into this post, I first wanted to quickly apologize for being MIA the past couple of weeks. I believe that consistency is important for anything you are trying to accomplish, and I haven’t been doing a good job of that. With that said, I am going to rededicate myself to try to resume a relatively set uploading schedule. Full disclosure, I want to be honest with you: I hadn’t been feeling the best, and am only now starting to feel more like myself. My skin seemed like it has been getting worse with more breakouts of my face, and this previous Monday, I woke up and I felt like it was at an all-time worst. Particularly around my chin and forehead I was really breaking out, and my face looked particularly red and blotchy in general. I have never been one to want to use foundation on a daily basis because to me it would feel as if I was trying to hide my face, and that’s not the way I want to feel about my skin. (for people who do like to use foundation, go for it, this is just my opinion!) That morning I was not looking forward to going to school, and all day I constantly wanted to hide my face, so people wouldn’t see how I was having some problems with my skin. This is a toxic mindset, because instead of enjoying life (particularly at such a happy time of year), I was constantly obsessing over my own appearance! It may seem silly to be so derailed by something as trivial as spots on your face, but it’s something I have always been self-conscious of.

It can be extremely hard to be your best when you aren't feeling your best, so I thought I would put together a couple of my tips for looking and feeling put together. Sometimes you may breakout, or have a bad hair day, or just feel kind of gross; you can’t control that! I think if you are confident in how you look it does reflect how you feel, so embrace the things you can control.