Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Natural Skincare Routine

If you have read my 'simple ways to look put together' post, you would know I recently have had some trouble with my skin. I have always had relatively normal skin: it's not overly oily or dry, and throughout my 'teen' years I have pretty regularly had spots on my face, but it was never bad acne or that troublesome (just enough for me to become self-conscious about my skin). Then earlier this month I started feeling like my skin was getting worse, until it seemed like it was at an all-time low. My chin was the worst area of my face, but I also had some spots on my forehead; additionally, what made it seem worse was that I was pale from it being winter, and this seemed to emphasize the blotchy redness around the breakouts. I was aggravated by how much I was breaking out, and started feeling like I never wanted anyone to look at me, because I had it in my head that they were staring at my bad skin!

I ended up purchasing a Clean and Clear acne spot-treatment, and after using it once, I decided that's not the way I wanted to heal my skin. If you have 'actual' acne that has been looked at by a dermatologist and prescribed medication it's one thing, but if you are like me, and just have breakouts sometimes, I would definitely recommend trying to be more natural with the products you use on your face. Your face is very sensitive, and in my opinion, there are healthier ways to help your skin than to put harsh chemicals on it. So here are my tips for natural skin care; it's not as though I never get spots... These treatments will not give you perfect skin, but I have found that they have helped my skin to be more healthy in general and reduce the number of breakouts I get.

Tea Tree Oil - This oil can be bought at most grocery stores, and has a number of uses; one of which is it is thought to be antimicrobial (meaning it can kill bacteria). Although it has a pungent (not in a great way) scent, I use it by putting a couple of drops on a Q-tip and dotting it on any spots I have on my face. This is great for people with more sensitive skin, such as myself, as it is less harsh that benzoyl peroxide. Depending on your skin you may want to dilute the tea-tree oil with water (I do), and you just have to see how often using it works for you. I do this treatment once a day in the evening after my shower, but you may find you can do it twice a day for best effect.

Coconut Oil - The past couple of years, this product has become more and more popular as it has numerous uses: cooking, skincare, hair care, and even a make-up remover. Although I'd heard of using it as a moisturizer before, I had never tried it until this previous month, but I'm so glad I did. I have found that using coconut oil in the evening before bed works best for me: using just a little bit and applying with clean hands on a clean face is extremely moisturizing.

**Edit: 2/8/16 - I recently read an article which brought up the idea that for some, coconut oil can actually aggravate acne due to the oiliness. Although I still stand by it being a good product, if you decide to try it, be conscious of how it works for you. All skin is different :)

Rose Water - This is probably one of my favorite skin care products for the simple reason I adore the smell of roses. But aside from from the lovely scent, rosewater has a number of good properties that can benefit your skin: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and softening. There are many ways you can use rose water, but I typically like to use it as a toner. In the evening, I apply coconut oil to my face and let it soak in for 5-10 minutes, but don't like to go to sleep like that, because my skin is typically pretty oily to the touch. So I put rose water on a cotton pad, and use it as you would any other toner. This will reduce wrinkles, tighten pores, and brighten your complexion. (as a side note, the coconut oil is super hydrating, so although you take most of it off, you don't need to re-moisturize). This would also be a great ritual for the morning!

Those are the natural products I am currently using daily, but I did want to mention a few things to keep in mind. First, to reap the benefits of these products you have to be diligent about using them. Using them once or twice most likely wont make a huge difference, but doing these things daily for a week or two should start to show you signs of improvement. Second, everyone's skin is different; what I discussed is what works for my skin, but you may have to experiment a little bit to see what is ideal for your skin. Third, in addition to these things I do also use a serum after I shower, and occasionally do face masks (at the moment I've been enjoying this one from Alba Botanica). Finally, I want to make it clear that using these products does not mean that my skin is perfect. I still get breakouts sometimes; but not only are they reduced, but my skin seems healthier in general.

There is nothing wrong with using spot treatments or acne creams, but I personally like to use more natural products on my skin, which will keep it healthy. I hope these tips can help you out, and I'd love to hear of any other natural products you like!


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