Saturday, January 2, 2016

Reflecting on the Year: 2015

I was not planning on doing a post about the end of the year, but then was reading Hello-October's (one of my favorite bloggers) Goodbye 2015 post, and was inspired by her positive outlook. She described how she's really been enjoying her adult life, and my initial reaction was 'wow, I'm excited for when that time in my life comes'. I then realized that's a silly thing to think because I have not only had a good year, but should also fully be enjoying my life right now, because life has been very good to me!

In the same style of Hello-October, I want to share some of the highlights of my year with you, as I am a firm believer that being able to reflect on life can be very valuable for both learning and appreciation.

This Year I...

Traveled to Croatia for the first time!

Discovered (or refreshed) a lot of my passions: reading (including a newfound love for classics!), watching good films, cooking, photography, music, and travel.

Have continually built up my personal style.

Met new people at school, and have tried to venture away from being more reserved and shy.

Traveled back to England, where I got to reconnect with one of my best friends!

Got accepted into university.

Started exercising more regularly, and have been genuinely enjoying it.

And last, but certainly not least, I restarted blogging!

This year has also been about learning more about myself and a changing perspective on life. I have started to become more of the person I want to be, but I also have a lot of things I want to continually grow toward. I want to focus on positive thinking, and become completely comfortable with myself: learning to accept my flaws, to be independent and celebrate being an introvert, but also be social and make new friends.

Particularly because I am graduating this year, I am pretty nervous for 2016. It will be a lot of change, and change can be scary. But as they say, change is the only constant in life, so it's best to embrace it. Though I am nervous, it is a good, giddy nervousness. Because I am excited for all the good that change can bring about. So cheers to the New Year, and all that you can say is bring it on!!


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