Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to stay on a Healthy Diet!

Diet. We automatically jump to the assumption of weight loss as the goal, but really, a diet is simply the compilation of what we eat on a day to day basis. While exercising is a vital part of a healthy life, so is the the nutritional aspect. Balancing what you eat can lead to a desirable image for yourself--I personally think that people who have well-built, strong frames are most attractive--but it also will lead to a longer life, as eating right will ensure a good metabolism, reduce the risk of heart problems, and create a good circulatory system. While it is important to stay away from the big no-no's, such as processed food, or really fatty foods with high cholesterol, it's also important to be getting all the right nutrients that your body needs. So let's get to my tips for keeping on top of a healthy diet!

1. DRINK WATER! I know, it's not a very original first tips, because we hear it all the time, but it is also a vital part of any healthy diet. You should be getting 6-8 glasses of water every day, and more is better! Always having a water bottle (whether it be at work, school, or while exercising) is a great way to make sure you're drinking water. It's also a great idea to have a glass of water every morning right after you wake up. This will flush out your system, and hydrate you after a long night. We also tend to feel very hungry in the morning, and over-eat, when our bodies really partially just need water. Finally, water is a great substitute to soda, or other sugary drinks, and while will fill you up throughout the day, rather than eating excess food that you aren't really hungry for.

2. Load up on fruits and veggies. We naturally have a wide range of fruits and vegetables available to us as the season changes, so we can constantly switch up our diet. This can be enforced and made sure of by buying fresh and local produce; something that can be found at farmers markets, which most towns have and are held weekly. Make sure to also get a wide range of colors, as this correlates to getting a wide range of different vitamins. Find some fruits and vegetables that you really love, and make this your go-to snack for when you're hungry... It can be tasty, while chalked full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. A way to make sure you're getting a good amount of fruits and veggies is to have some with every meal, and always be stocked up at home.

3. Make sure to be eating healthy carbs. I can not stress this enough: carbs, such as bread, are not the bad guy, as often perceived. While eating buckets and buckets of bread is not the best approach, healthy carbohydrates are very nutritious. Rather than eating white bread with sandwiches, try whole grain. Words to keep an eye out for the the store include whole grain, oat, quinoa, bulgur, buckwheat, and so on.

4. Protein, protein, protein. Protein is another vital part of an everyday diet. It includes B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids which are all in demand for our body. Protein is critical for gaining muscle, and are one of the best ways to keep our bodies strong and able. Foods like nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat, sea fish and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein.

5. Be aware of nutrition labels when shopping. Key things to watch out for are significant amounts of sugar and sodium. Sodium in particular, can be bad when in high intakes, as it can lead to high blood pressure, and retaining water (which can cause you to feel bloated, specifically in the face).

6. Moderation in the golden key!! Many people try to avoid things like carbs, which have a notorious name in the world of dieting. Cutting yourself off is not the right approach! You need variety for a healthy diet (which includes things like carbs), so if you deprive your body of certain things, it will start craving them. This can lead to binging--unless you have impeccable self-control--which is a big step back in wanting to control your food intake. To avoid this, make sure you have a balanced diet, and get all the nutrients that your body needs! Similarly, if you have a craving for something, say chocolate, go out to a cafe and have brownie, or make a chocolate cake. It's not a bad thing to treat yourself sometimes! Staying away from processed foods is definitely something to keep in mind, but having wholesome, more healthy desserts in moderation is a great way to still eat foods that you like, but may not be as healthy, and not to feel guilty about it.

7. Listen to your body. It's important to always be aware of your bodies needs. If you are unhappy with your body image, do not starve yourself in attempt to lose weight. Not only in this unbelievably unhealthy, but you will not be getting the desired affect, as you will become weak and nutrient deprived. Instead, by keeping a clean diet and exercising, though it may take longer, if you stick with it, there will be a rewarding effect. Finally, I always feel completely guilty if I binge (this happens particularly at night, if I get hungry and am just hanging out in the kitchen) and eat a lot of unhealthy stuff, and feel like I should chastise myself for not having better control. This is a really bad perspective to have. Rather than feeling bad about yourself, after you've eaten a lot, accept it, and move forward.

I am in no way a nutritionist or expert of health; these are simply the things I have learned, and try to keep in mind for my everyday diet. I hope they come in handy, and can help create a healthy diet for you!


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