Sunday, March 30, 2014

The 100 Workout

Where I live the weather is still unbelievably miserable for late March; it has been grey and rainy for the last couple of days, and tonight the temperature's supposed to drop, so we might even get some snow :( Not OK!!! Anyway, even if the weather refuses to admit it, it is officially Spring, so in light of that, I figured it was time to start getting more serious about working out. After all, bikini weather will be here before you know it, and my body is so not ready for that :P

I like to try to go to the gym either Saturday or Sunday morning so I can get in a bit of a workout both on the elliptical, as well as some various arm and leg machines, but a gym is not always available for when we want to just have a quick workout. While runs can be a great way to get in shape (especially as it's becoming nice weather outside--hopefully, that is), I often like to throw in some basic exercises that I can do first at home.

If I just want something quick that will get my endorphins going, but isn't too demanding after a long day, this is the perfect mini workout. I did not create this workout, but had seen it on weheartit numerous times and decided to try it... And it's been great!

The 100 Workout
100 Jumping Jacks
90 Crunches
80 Squats
70 Leg Lifts
60 Jumping Jacks
50 Crunches
40 Squats
30 Leg Lifts
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Minute Run

Be sure to stretch afterward to prevent injuries and stay flexible, and drink around a liter of water afterward to flush toxins out of your system and stay hydrated. You can also alter the workout to whatever you need--whether that be going for a longer run at the end, or modifying the exercises if they're too rigorous.

Always keep in mind that even if it's hard I first, I promise it gets easier over time, as long as you stick with it. The only thing you can do is push through the pain and never lose sight of what your working for. While a hot body is what most people are working towards in wanting to workout more, it's also important consider one of the more significant factors of exercising which is the positive mental impact it has, and how it can improve health.

I hope you all enjoy this workout!!

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