Friday, February 27, 2015

My Travel Essentials

I am currently sitting in my bed, surrounded by a cocoon of pillows and blankets, and writing this post because I have a two hour delay (it is currently -10℉!). Don't get me wrong, I love winter but I think the time has come to 'spring into spring' and leave the freezing weather until next winter. I am counting down the days until spring break when I'll be going to sunny California! My spring break is coming in about two weeks, so I thought I would share with you guys what kinds of things I like to bring with me when I travel!

1. In terms of my carry-on find it works great for me to bring a big bag that will hold a lot of stuff, but still looks nice; I definitely recommending trying to find one that has a cross body strap though, because having to lug a heavy on one should can be extremely uncomfortable (especially when you running around the airport, looking for your terminal!). Alternatively, a backpack can be even more practical if you've got lots of stuff, and you can still find cute backpacks.

2. Of course, music. I'll be heading to California, which is about a six hour plane ride from where I live, so music is a must. I even  try to find and download some new music right before I go, so that I have something different mixed in with my older music. In terms of headphones, I usually use ear buds so that I can rest my head more comfortably, but I would definitely consider bringing headphones too, as they're more comfortable for long term use.

3. Reading material. I'm a bit of a nerd so I usually bring a couple books with me when I travel, but I always bring something exciting for my carry on (I'm all about angst-thrillers). This way, if you start the book, and get really into it, you'll want to keep reading, and it will pass the time! I also usually go out right before the trip, and buy a magazine that I like, but don't have a subscription to to read on the plane.

4. Snacks, snacks, and snacks. Airlines definitely overcharge for the food they sell, so I always get a couple things from the airport, once I've gone through security: some sort of candy (I love sour gummies), pretzels, and usually an apple. Also, although you can get drinks on the plane, I like to get something like iced tea to have with me.

5. In terms of hair and make up, I like to get my hair completely out of the way (it tends to get really messy and static), so I always go with top knots, or messy buns. In terms of make up, I don't use any on the plane, as I don't really see the need to. I do however bring lot's of lotion for my face, and it's usually super dry on the plane. Similar to this, remember to bring a nice lip balm; I love Burts Bees and Eos, but any is fine!

6. What to wear: so obviously you want to be comfortable. I am typically a jeans person, but for planes, I am all about leggings. Add an over sized V-neck and for me, I'm basically in pajamas. To spice it up, I usually layer a couple necklaces, some rings, and bracelets, but that's completely optional! In terms of footwear (life hack coming up, you guys), wear shoes that you will need when traveling!! This may seem like common sense, but some people don't think it through; wearing comfortable shoes, but one's that you'll use during your vacation will leave more room in your suitcase! It can get pretty cold on airplanes, so I always make sure to bring a really soft, and over sized sweater or sweatshirt in my bag.

7. Finally, this may not apply to everyone, but the number one thing I hate about flying, is that my ears pop on the way down, and it is EXTREMELY uncomfortable!! To try and reduce the pain, I always pack decongestants, and take one about an hour before the estimated time of arrival.

Whether you're on a plane, train, or just on a car ride, these things will hopefully help make it a nice trip. I actually love traveling (especially by plane), and think it's kind of relaxing, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!!

Hans Christian Anderson once said "to travel is to live", and I agree full-heartedly. Always bring a camera in order to capture the beautiful moments, take advantage of all opportunities, and cherish the memories you make.

I will do my best to blog when I'm in California, and keep y'all posted on what I'm up to!


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