Saturday, January 31, 2015

Chai Tea Latte

Where I live, January still means a snowy wonderland outside. Currently, late Sunday morning, I am sitting on the couch in my pajamas with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around me, headphones in, and a steaming chai latte. Warm drinks are by far one of the best parts of winter: essentially a hug in a cup :) Whenever I go to cafes, I love getting chai lattes, because each one is slightly different: some are more cinnamon, some more vanilla, some more spicy with ginger and clove. Chai lattes are the perfect drink of robust flavors that are warming on even the coldest day.

As nice as it is to go to a cafe, and be served chai (with some latte art, if you're lucky!), I decided it was time for me to try to make one at home. I have made chai at home before, but it's never as creamy and rich flavored at when you get one at a cafe. After taking some pointers from various recipes online, I created a blend that balances spicy and sweet, is creamy, and has a great vanilla aroma.

 Ingredients: (Serves 2)
2 cups milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)
2 black tea bags (my favorite is PG tips)
A skimped 1/8 of a teaspoon ginger
A skimped 1/8 of a teaspoon cardamom
3 whole cloves
Pinch of black pepper
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk (*Note: you can add more or less, depending on how sweet you like your chai)

  1. Add all ingredients into a medium sauce pan, at medium heat stirring occasionally, until all spices appear to have dissolved
  2. Reduce to low heat and let simmer for 7-10 minutes, allowing the flavors to strengthen
  3. Pour into mugs and enjoy!
As you can see, it's incredibly easy to make this drink, and yet it is flavorful, warming, and indulgent. The special ingredient sweetened condensed milk adds a great sweetness and that extra creaminess.

After a winter walk, this is a perfect drink to come home to!

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