Saturday, August 22, 2015

Long Weekend in Madison, WI // Part II

    Just as the morning prior, our second full day in Madison began relatively leisurely.  I woke up around 8:30AM, and read for a little bit before jumping in the shower. About an hour later, we headed out of the house, again stopping at Starbucks for a quick breakfast before heading on to the morning destination: House on the Rock.  Located in Spring Green (about 45 minutes away from Moses’ house), this had been the house of Alex Jordan, a man whom there is not a lot known about. He had sought to create a house for himself which would incorporate nature in an eccentric and unconventional architectural style. The exterior of the house alone is very impressive (there is a narrow glass hallway that reaches out over the ‘rock’ and appears from far away ominously precarious), but the interior is where things get really weird. The house is humongous, and each new space is filled with different odds and ends... one hallway is modeled after a 20th century village (with authentic shops such as a sheriff, an apothecary, a old-school theater, and more), there are a maze of turns decorated by intricate dollhouses, collections of swords, creepy dolls, cars, armor, instruments (which self-play complicated melodies when activated), and just about anything else you could think of. The house is utterly indescribably, and even seeing the photos will give you no appreciation of just how bizarre is is to actually walk through the house and be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of stuff.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Long Weekend in Madison, WI // Part I

This past weekend, my brother, Trevor, and I took a road trip from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin to visit a family friend, whom we've known our entire life. Uncle Moses (although he's not really my uncle in the generic meaning of the world) is one of the most charismatic, eccentric, and witty people I know. Originally from Greece, Moses came to America for university studies and is now is the founder of a consulting company. When I say that Moses is somewhat eccentric, it's no exaggeration... he is a certified minister, speaks three languages fluently, has taken an 8 week course with his local police department, has traveled to over 46 countries, and has the most incredible house (more on that later though!). The last time I had seen Moses was almost exactly two years ago in Paris for my 15th birthday, where we had gone to the Paris Opera House for dinner, and he had given me a chocolate shoe and a Swarovsky diamond necklace. Needless to say, I was more than excited for what the weekend adventure would hold.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Seven Healthy Habits to Adopt

With the start of a new academic year coming up, I thought I would compile a list of healthy habits that I think everyone should adopt. I am definitely still on my way to making some of them habits I am consistent with, but I'm working on getting there. I will say that some of these are somewhat generic things that I am sure you have heard before (and if you're not already doing them, shame on you! ;) ), but others you may be new to you, and if that's the case, I hope you can make use of them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

An Inside Look at Cambridge, UK

As some of you may know, during my would-be freshman year in high school, I lived in England with my parents, due to a sabbatical year my dad was taking with his work. My two brothers did not join us, as they were both already in university, so just my parent and I arrived in late August into a city where we knew nothing and no one. Being a relatively quiet (and awkward) person, it was hard for me to adjust in the beginning--especially at school--but as the months went on, I came to love England as my home.