Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Seven Healthy Habits to Adopt

With the start of a new academic year coming up, I thought I would compile a list of healthy habits that I think everyone should adopt. I am definitely still on my way to making some of them habits I am consistent with, but I'm working on getting there. I will say that some of these are somewhat generic things that I am sure you have heard before (and if you're not already doing them, shame on you! ;) ), but others you may be new to you, and if that's the case, I hope you can make use of them.

1. Drink lots of fluids. So clearly this is a generic one I'm sure you have heard many times before, however, I know first hand how hard it can be to get enough water during the day if you're not in the habit of constantly drinking. Drinking enough water will help aid digestion, cleanse your body of toxins, promote healthy skin, and overall make you have more energy and feel your best! The way I have been trying to get enough water is by having a big glass at each meal (and snacks), and keeping a water bottle with you during the day that I can fill up over and over.

2. Keep a semi-regular sleep schedule. Some people may be scoffing right now... whether it be school or work, we all get busy, and sleep can drop lower and lower on the priority list. With that said, sleep should always be a top priority. Without ample sleep each night, cognitive functions, mood, and energy will all suffer, and even one night of little to no sleep will set you back for up to a week. Try to schedule your time so that most days you are always getting to bed and waking up at approximately the same time. This applies to the weekend too; it's not to say that you shouldn't go out with friends on a Friday night, or sleep in on a lazy Sunday, but try to keep the variation in how many hours of sleep you are getting to a minimum. By maintaining an 'internal clock' when your body can rely on sleep, it will actually make it easier to fall asleep and wake up.

3. Never go to bed mad at someone important to you. Sticking on the topic of sleep, this is one of my die-hard beliefs, and something I have always found important. Being in fights with people you love can take a pretty big toll on your body and mood, and sleep is one aspect that will suffer tremendously. When I was little, I would sometimes get into fights with my mom; I would always dwell on the fight when trying to fall asleep, and eventually get out of bed and go apologize or try to make up. This would result in relief and being to fall asleep with a smile on my face; even to this day, my mom comes into my room to give me a hug before going to bed. Some conflicts may not be resolved so quickly, but do what you can to maintain relationships that are important.

4. Read! Not everyone is a bookworm, but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy reading. I firmly believe that there is a genre for everyone, and that everyone can learn to love reading, whether it be classics that are hard to understand, gritty and suspenseful mysteries, or graphic novels. Not only is reading a great pastime, which will expand your imagination, but it also helps with analytical thinking, stress reduction, expanding vocabulary, and improves concentration and focus. So next time you're bored, try picking up a book, and get lost in a new world.

5. Floss. We've all heard this before. And yet most of us probably don't. But we really should be. *sigh* I personally don't dislike flossing... it only takes a couple minutes, but I either don't think of it, or I'm just too lazy. Weak, I know. Flossing improves dental hygiene, and if that's not enough (although it should be) it will brighten up your smile. Who doesn't want that?!

6. Get outside. Every day. And move around. Every day. We live in a truly stunning world. Each day  is a new chance to fall in love with the world again and again. Explore new places where you live; give yourself the opportunity to meet new people; take this time to remember all the things you're thankful for. Take this time, every day, to just think.

7. Smile! Life sometimes throws obstacles are way... change is the only constant, so although we can't control everything that happens to us, we can control how we respond to it. So smile everyday; smile in the mirror, smile at strangers, smile just for the sake of it. You are putting good thoughts into the world... I am a huge believer in karma, and by smiling you are putting good thoughts into the world. After all, smiling is contagious so spread the love! (Here is a great short article on the psychology of smiling)

I hope these are all things that you can begin to do with regularity and make positive habits out of. I had been putting together a little mental list of good habits, and today I've been in a great mood, so I thought why not write what I hope has been an uplifting post.


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